
Lab Publishes New Paper on Characterizing Autism in FXS

Our paper titled, Characterizing the Social Interaction Style of Autism in Young Adult Males with Fragile X Syndrome, was published in the Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. This paper featured contributions from our former PhD student Carly Moser who is now at Vanderbilt University completing her postdoctoral fellowship, and our former undergraduate researcher Alyssa Campanelli who is… Read more »


Alyssa Campanelli awarded

Alyssa Campanelli awarded

Alyssa Campanelli’s poster presentation, Social Interaction Style and Language Ability in Males with Autism and Fragile X Syndrome, was awarded Second Place in the Psychology and Neuroscience Category at Discovery USC 2019! Alyssa is a Science for Undergraduate Research Fellowship awardee and her project focused on the categorization of autism-related social phenotypes within males with fragile X syndrome.  Great… Read more »