Our former doctoral student, Dr. Carly Moser’s new article was published in Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders titled The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health in mothers of autistic children and mothers of children with fragile X syndrome. Collaborators included postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Laura Friedman, and Dr. Jessica Klusek. Parents of children with intellectual… Read more »
Dr. Laura Friedman’s paper titled: Description and predictors of self-determination in males and females with fragile X syndrome on the verge of adulthood, was recently published in the Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. Collaborators on this paper included former doctoral student, Dr. Carly Moser, and Dr. Jessica Klusek. Self-determination refers to setting and monitoring personal goals,… Read more »
Our paper titled, Characterizing the Social Interaction Style of Autism in Young Adult Males with Fragile X Syndrome, was published in the Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. This paper featured contributions from our former PhD student Carly Moser who is now at Vanderbilt University completing her postdoctoral fellowship, and our former undergraduate researcher Alyssa Campanelli who is… Read more »

Doctoral student, Carly Moser, was awarded the UofSC Maternal and Child Health Graduate Scholarship. With the award, she is funded to study maternal and child physiological factors related to social and developmental outcomes of children with autism. Congratulations, Carly!