Our collaborator, Dr. Jane Roberts, is recruiting families with infants of 12 months of age or younger who have fragile X syndrome, have the fragile X premutation, or are typically developing. For more information, visit www.USCNDDLab.com.
Dr. Klusek was recently selected as one of 12 recipients of USC’s Breakthrough Star. This award recognizes early career faculty who demonstrate considerable contributions to their fields in terms of research and scholarly activity while at USC. Congratulations Dr. Klusek! Link to BreakThrough Star Awardees: https://www.sc.edu/uofsc/posts/2023/03/breakthrough-stars.php Link to Dr. Klusek’s own Breakthrough Article: https://www.sc.edu/uofsc/posts/2023/03/breakthrough_star_jessica_klusek.php
Dr. Jessica Klusek, along with post-doctoral fellow Dr. Laura Friedman and USC@COMD faculty members, Dr. Abigail Hogan attended the International FMR1 Premutation Conference in Bay of Islands, New Zealand last week. The FMR1 premutation is a genetic variant on the FMR1 gene that is sometimes associated with cognitive, language, and social-emotional differences. Women who carry the FMR1 premutation may have children with fragile X… Read more »
Read more about our new grant here !! Click here to participate!
We are currently recruiting women who are carriers of the FMR1 premutation for several ongoing studies. The overarching goal of this research is to better understand the symptoms experience by premutation carriers as they age, and to inform the development of clinical management strategies. A flyer is included below for further reference. Click here for… Read more »
We are pleased to announce funding of our newest research study here at the lab! This study will follow women who carry the FMR1 premutation and healthy control women longitudinally over a 3-year period. The objective is to determine the trajectory and predictors of age-related symptoms experienced by premutation carriers during midlife and early old… Read more »

From the land of fields of corn, Jennifer has been in Indiana since 4th grade. She received her B.S. degree in Psychology from Purdue University on May 2022. Her interests align with the lab’s goal to develop better family-centered support services for families of children with developmental disabilities like fragile X syndrome and autism. She… Read more »
Dr. Laura Friedman recently received an F32 grant from the National Institution on Aging. Her project will examine cognitive aging profiles of mothers of children with autism and will also explore caregiving-associated risk factors that may be related to atypical cognitive aging (such as stress or poor sleep quality).
We are still recruiting families with children with fragile X who are interested in participating in our Adult Transitions study! If you are interested in participating, you can fill out our interest survey and we will reach out to you!
Going Virtual!

In response to COVID-19, our team has been working hard to redesign the way we do studies to maximize safety. Assessments will now be conducted virtually across two short sessions. Participants can schedule the sessions at a time that is convenient for them, and participate in research from the comfort of their own homes! We… Read more »